Rever GPS Moto : Découvrir, Suivre et Partager. screenshot 1Rever GPS Moto : Découvrir, Suivre et Partager. screenshot 2Rever GPS Moto : Découvrir, Suivre et Partager. screenshot 3

Rever GPS Moto : Découvrir, Suivre et Partager. (MOD + APK) à la place de android

Découvrez des routes à moto incroyables et explorez-les entre amis grâce à Rever GPS Moto.

Rever GPS Moto is more than just a navigation app; it's a social network for motorcyclists. With Rever, you can discover the best places to ride, create personalized routes, track your rides, and share your experiences with friends and fellow riders. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a weekend warrior, Rever has something to offer.

Explore the World on Two Wheels

Rever makes it easy to find your next epic ride. The app features recommendations from motorcycle experts around the globe, showcasing hidden gems and iconic routes. You can also search for off-road trails and motocross tracks, ensuring you always have a new adventure waiting.

Plan Your Perfect Ride

Rever lets you create customized routes directly on the app or upload your favorite GPX files. Every route you create syncs automatically, so you can easily navigate your way. Share your routes or GPS files with friends via email or directly within the Rever app.

Track and Share Your Journeys

Record your rides using your phone's GPS, even offline, anywhere in the world. Get detailed statistics like duration, distance, average speed, elevation, and latitude/longitude. Follow routes created by you or shared by other Rever users, or find and share routes with other motorcycle enthusiasts. You can even save photos from your rides to build a visual story.

Join the Community

Rever is more than just an app; it's a community. Find new riding buddies based on your location or type of motorcycle. Share routes and itineraries to guide the group and get advice from local clubs, shops, and event organizers. Create your own community to keep track of where and with whom you ride.

Level Up with Rever Premium

For an even more enhanced experience, try Rever Premium. Enjoy exclusive access to Butler Motorcycle Maps, ensuring you never miss a great road. Get automatic safety notifications to keep your loved ones informed and access offline maps, so you can navigate even without a data connection. Additionally, unlock advanced route planning tools on and follow your routes in the app or download GPX files for use on your own GPS device.

Make Every Ride Unique

Rever is your ultimate companion for exploring the world on two wheels. With its comprehensive features, social aspect, and user-friendly interface, Rever makes every ride unique and memorable.

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Informations détaillées:

Plans et navigation Android Application

Mise à jour Taille Installe
12 janvier 2021 78.04 MB 1,000,000+
Version Cote Annonces
5.0 ou version ultérieure Accord parental (Accord parental recommandé) Does not contain ads
Prix Achat dans l'application
0 Yes
Version Changements
5.0.14 Nous mettons REVER à jour aussi souvent que possible, aussi vérifiez chaque semaine que vous bénéficiez bien des derniers correctifs et des nouvelles fonctionnalités.

Vous appréciez notre app ? Nous aimeriez avoir votre avis.

Des questions ? Demandez-nous tout ce que vous voulez, nous sommes à votre écoute : [email protected]

- Corrections de bugs.
Développeur Catégorie
Rever Moto Inc Plans et navigation